All Gods have a Day

The population of the world today with over seven billion has seven major religions and over thirteen other known faiths who have their own Gods, practices and rituals. And all the believers  feel that they have their own God which as per each of them is  Almighty ,  Omnipresent,  Omnipotent and which is actually running the universe. No  religion accepts  that  the  God  of  other  religion  may  also be omnipotent, omnipresent and running  the universe. Consequent to this basic belief  there  are  thousands  of other minor  differences  in the  methods of  worship,  rituals  and plethora of  Do’s and Don’t’s which dictate to a  follower of a particular faith   the minutest of  the  things  like what  to  wear and  what to eat and what  not to  eat. All  these  differences over  a period of time led  the followers of  each  religion to dither  away from  each  other. As the  followers of  any faith  became  more  faithful to the practices of  their cult , the managers of  their respective faith   made them  abhor  the practices of  other faiths resulting in abysmally large chasm between different religions.


Seeing the state of  affairs  in  the  world of religion, One day, all God’s and deities   decide to descend  to earth together and  listen to  the  woes of their  devotees and to  dispel all the myths and  formalities which the humans have imposed  in the name of their religion.  Stung by sudden and unannounced appearance of the actual Gods of  their faith  amidst them   the Managers of the Faith  and some self-styled Godmen who have  been  running  the show  on their  behalf find themselves in an uncomfortable  state. The respective Gods take over  the  reigns of their religion immediately  and remove any intermediaries between them and their followers. They say  they  were  tired  of  watching from top the negative role being  played  by the  intermediaries(I would like to call them the  Managers   of the faith) who were  rampantly  spreading  undiluted venom  and hatred which  they  had  never  preached when they had founded their religion. The moment  they landed on  earth the Gods  head for  their respective holiest  places namely  the  Christ reached the Vatican, the Prophet Mohammad reached Mecca , Lord Vishnu reached   Kedarnath, Moses reached Jerusalem, Lord  Budha reached Bodh Gaya,  Guru Nanak reached Amritisar so on and so forth. There they were thronged with the people    of  their faith who wanted  to venerate  and  get blessed. However  the people in control ( the Managers) of these holiest  places found themselves being sidelined and losing relevance. They quickly made barriers  and told  the  Gods  that  “ because you have  come down  to mother earth  after  a long  time,   a lot has changed  in  your  absence  and  you  must  hear to our  briefings  before  you  meet  the  common man of  your  faith.  And  they also premonished  their  God, “God it is  our abounding  duty to caution you that the followers of other religions  have  been conspiring  against  our faith for  a  long period of  time in  your  absence. And though  we  have  been the  butt  of their ribbing ,   we  have  accepted all  that  with  great  devotion towards you” and we  also want to  add that, “ their  motive  was  to  completely  annihilate your religion from  this earth.”  And to add more  “The followers of other faiths  have also  said  so many things  personally  against you in  and your family members”.


The  Gods  smiled,  and seeing  their  God smile the  Managers of their faith  continued  their series of briefings unabated  till  evening of  the first day of Gods arrival on earth.  With each passing smile  from  God the Managers   got more encouragement  and unloaded tons  of  venom against  all other  religions  barring theirs. Unaware  that all Gods  were being  briefed  by their managers concurrently, each of  them individually thought that  they have conveyed and  convinced their respective  Gods firmly . In the  end each  of them wanted that their God should declare  an all out  war on  all  other  religions on earth and convert the complete population of earth  to  their  faith  or threaten them to face  dire consequences. But this was far from what  was actually supposed to happen.


After the  day of briefings were  over  in  their  respective  holiest places all Gods  were  shell-shocked  at  the quantum of hatred   among the  hearts of their Managers. When  the day was over they  meet  at  a pre-decided  common  place and  concluded  that  they  must travel for  over  a  month and  meet the  common  followers  of their  faiths and fathom the quantum of angst against members of other communities.


So  next morning they are  back in their  holiest  places and tell  the Managers  that they are  going to  travel and  that they must  not  be  accompanied  by  anyone. To  this  the  Managers  express  grave  concern citing  safety  and security  reasons but the   Gods are adamant and the Managers are left behind.. Heart of heart  the  Managers  are  feeling  paranoid  that the  common  followers  must not give  God  a  different picture from  what  they have  painted through their briefings. Next day the  Gods commence  their  journey  to  various  towns and  villages  where their common followers  throng in large  numbers to meet them. The Gods freely interact  with them. They ask them  their woes. Some  followers plead for  healing  from sickness , others  simply seek their blessings  for  flourishment of their work, others  want  their  families  to  be happy, yet  others  want peace of  mind and  some  want general prosperity. Gods find none of their followers  are  wanting annihilition  of  their neighbours of  other faith. The common  followers also  bring so many worldly gifts   to  present it  to their  Gods. The Gods  tell them  “ who  has told  you  that I get   pleased by  expensive  gifts and money? I have no dearth of  it so please do not indulge in it”. The followers  could not  understand  the situation. All  these years  they were  told to carry gifts  for God in return to fulfillment  of their  pleadings and here the  true God  was  denying  this  ritual. The God  cleared  their  dilemma  once and for all. The situation  on ground was totally different from  what the Managers had briefed them. In  fact  Gods  are surprised to  see  that  among  the  followers who have  come to greet  them  there are  a large  number of followers of other  faiths  also who have  come to pay  their obeisance along  with  their friends. Gods smile inwardly. Wherever they go, they are  welcomed by members of  all communities and  faiths in unison. The common man loves all Gods  and does not differentiate  whether he is  ‘my  God’ or the ‘God of my  neighbour’. Common man even celebrates the religious  festivals  of each other  with greetings  and  fervor and are very  accommodating.  Soon all Gods  realize that there  is  abundance of brotherhood still  left  in the hearts of  every person and  their common  followers  are  still following their preachings with faith and humility. Its only that  they  are  being steered  in the  wrong  direction.   After  showering their blessing on everyone whom they  meet  they return back to their  Holiest  places and  call the Managers.

The Managers  are  now  apprehensive as  to  what  impressions  have  the God  carried from  their  sojourn.  After  they get a  cold stare from their God they sheepishly ask, “What are  the  orders for us, God?”

“Pack your  bags” They hear the  prophetic command.

“ For  where God?” they ask meekly.

“ Follow us  ,  there is enough work for you up there” And zoop they  vanish in the tail of long heavenly  cavalcade   of  the Gods , forever away  from the planet.


And the world  lived  in  peace and  tranquility thereafter.

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