Book Details

Book Name:Myanmar and the Strategic Dilemmas

Myanmar and India share an umbilical relationship going back to the British era when they were ruled as one nation till 1937. The cordial relations continued even after both countries became independent and embraced democracy almost at the same time. On the other hand China-Myanmar relations have seen a lot of undulation over the last 70 years. However in the last three decades there has been a total flip in the relations leading to Myanmar with its military regime almost becoming a colony of China. The restoration of democracy after the 2015 elections saw the return of a civilian government, heralding a new era of development and changes. Recent times have seen the lifting of economic sanctions by the west, thus lowering its dependency on China. Undoubtedly the two Asian giants, India and China, have strong strategic interests in Myanmar. While maintaining its newly-formed identity, Myanmar is deftly engaged in balancing relations with them both. This book will take you through the journey of these relationships and will bring to fore what measures can be taken by India to take these relations to a new high.

Myanmar and the Strategic Dilemmas