Book Details

Book Name:You Can'T Punch With A Thumb: Simple Ways to Effective Team Building

You Can'T Punch With A Thumb by Lt. Col. Mohinder Pal Singh is an exhaustive guide of simple ways of effective team work and team building. Author’s experience falls into words and converts the hands-on-practise mantra to hands-on-book. The much needed qualities and values of synergy, cohesiveness as well as co-existence form the basis of team work and team- spirit. It forms a building block for the novice of the present day and the anatomy of the MNC world. He attempts a through booting of an infrastructure, expects such output of men that excel. The book abounds with real life experiences as the author is part of the armed forces. Since author’s childhood, he was very closely associated with the functioning of highly effective structured teams. Due to his involvement with the teams at various levels- as team member, as leader of small teams before graduating to leading large teams and at times under very difficult and trying situations. His exposure made him conversant with ground realities of power of interdependence in team work. It’s like ‘either we survive together or we have to die together’ Choice is our’s. Few of the conclusions drawn by the author are: 1. If you don’t stand for something, you will surely fall for anything. 2. The Future belongs to those who possibilities before they become obvious. 3. We should behave with our friends, as we would wish our friends to behave with us. 4. Tough time do not last forever, tough men do. 5. In an ideal teamwork, we have to start looking much beyond our self-interest. 6. ‘Winners don’t do things alone; they do it in a team. Thus this book ‘you can’t punch with a thumb’ is an excellent reading and learning material for all of us as our future lies in effective team work.

You Can'T Punch With A Thumb: Simple Ways to Effective Team Building