A letter to the Indian News Channels

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  • A letter to the Indian News Channels

Dear Indian News Channels,

Good evening…

After a long day in office I sit in front of you to know what is happening in the country and the world.

But where is the NEWS??

I am thoroughly disappointed with you….. as you do not update me with the news but only waste my time on debates. Watching these debates with participants trying to out-shout each other and the anchor’s instead of quelling the tempers indulging in competing in the decibels.. Sadly this results only in wastage of my crucial time and nothing more.

I feel the 9 pm news on Al India Radio of the yester years covered much more in 15 minutes then you do in whole 24 hours…

Its high time that you realise that the viewers of today are keen on knowing whats happening in the country and in the world not what you want to tell me and hide from me.

Its high time you mend your ways or else i will flip  the  channels and start watching the soaps. Because as it your news debates are akin to the heated arguments dramatised in many serials i.e only rhetoric no substance.

I implore you to just ‘do your job’ and i must remind you that, your job is show us the news and we will make our own analysis.

Don’t try and create unnecessary controversies where there are none and do not try and influence our thoughts.

Come on.. we can think…. An average Indian is not so dumb as probably you think.

Give us a break… News channels..Its high time you change your style or i will change my watching style…and shun you once and for all.

Yours Truly…

An ardent news watcher

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