Audit 2017, plan for 2018

After every 365 days comes the 31 December which is characterised world over with celebrations and joy…  The celebration are for the culmination of a successful year gone by or hope for the new year to dawn a new beginning…. Most of us wish to reap more then we wish to sow… But that is not how the life goes ..

What a typical  new year eve must have as per me is the following two things:-

1. Audit of the year gone by…..

Which should include what all did you sow ( the debits) and what exactly did you reap(the credits) in the past 365 days…

For a businessman it could be the days of toil versus the monetory gains, for a serviceman it could be the promotions , appreciations or the non tangible gains.

For children it could be the hardwork verses the grades obtained.

But in  the end you have to decide whether your balance sheet is in the red  or blue.

(Celebrations are only justified if you account is in positive and in credit)

2. Plan for the next 365 days…

Which could include your personal committments ,  personal goals and personal investments in terms of time and money. The plan , if speciffic in nature can yield tangible results which could make one proud…

So I wish all my friends to close their 2017 account books today…and I hope that all of you close your account and are in credit…

Wish you all a very prosperous 365 days ahead.

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