New Fixities at 51

New Fixities at 51(my thoughts on turning 51 today).

I was not waiting for this day. It suddenly came without a knock. But I have no regrets, at least it came. Many of my colleagues were not so lucky to get it. And when it came I realised that I was a changed person. I was no longer fidgeted, the way I used to, some years back. I was no longer in a hurry. I am still able to achieve everything which I aim for, albeit at a slower pace. I am still able to lift my own bag and climb the stairs at the railway platform. I am no longer scared of lonliness as I used to be, some years back. Rather I have started loving it. I have realised that time, spent on contemplation and at times, in solitude, is also useful.

I have firmed my thoughts on many things. I do what I wish to do. I help whom I wish to help. I stay away from whom I wish to stay away. I have developed firm faith in God. Not that, this has lessened my faith in my own abilities. I have realised that I can’t change others, especially those who do not wish to change. And I don’t endeavour to do so anymore. I have realised, very few relations are without a purpose, hence I don’t take anyone for granted. I feel I must give every person his due. I feel there are two ways in which you can repay someone for his work. One, in currency and other, in respect. In some cases both are required, in others, only one would do. I feel, the best way to show respect is to give respect in words and actions, and the worst way to show respect, is sychophancy. I am now clearly able to differentiate between true respect and sychophancy. I feel, the worst way to show abhorrence is to shout at someone, the mature way is to go in silence. Silence is the most dexterous emotion. It can portray affection, respect , Indifference or even abhorrence. When I look ahead, I feel one needs to befriend one person, and that is you and your body. Don’t abuse it ever. The common methods of abusing this friend is eating trash, not exercising, harbouring anger and over speeding your life. My aim for the next 10 years is to please my body and become it’s best friend. Finally….. I wish to thank all those who walked with me in these 5 decades and look forward to having you all by my side in the coming times. Today, as always, on this day, I remember my late parents, who, without giving any sermons, left a treasure of virtues for me to emulate, in living my day to day life.

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