Time to Unfriend some Friends

Today we have developed a tendency to increase the number of friends to a number where they become unwieldy to handle. Many in our huge friendship circle are only peripheral friends and cannot spare neither time nor effort to help us ,advice us, stand by usq when you are in need. My definition of a friend is -a person to whom you can approach when you need help. -A person whom you can approach to take some advice. – A person who takes time to tell you if are doing anything wrong. – A person who encourages you when you are on the right path.

If you have a friend who fulfills any of the above conditions is indeep worthy of a piece of your life.

But on the flip side I have seen majority of our so called friends fulfilling another set of rather ,not so condusive conditions:- – They are indifferent in your success. – They have very little time for you. they are hesitant in taking that little mile extra to help you. – impolite at times or too blunt or impervious to your feeling. – Critical in your failure. And we out of sheer generosity are unable to severe ties with them. We keep thinking what will the other person think. But I feel there is no point in dragging such friendships for the sake of it. It’s better to do Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish(GRBR) and live in peace.

It’s better to have less friends then bad friends.

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